Shercom Multi-purpose Mats - Limited Stock
Shercom Multi-purpose Mats - Limited Stock
November 20, 2020
Shercom’s multi-purpose mats are individually molded providing a resilient surface that can be used anywhere. These mats are designed to be slip-resistant and shock absorbing creating a safer work environment.
As with all Shercom products, these mats are very easy to clean, they are durable and long-lasting. They have a high flash point where fire resistance is important.
Call Dauphin Building Centre 204-638-6006
Limited supply quantity of 4'x6'x1/2"thick mats (56 lbs.) $69.99
- All Commercial Floor Applications
- Cross fit Gyms
- Fitness Centres/Weight Rooms
- Home Exercise Rooms
- Curling/Hockey Arenas
- Backyard rinks
- Sports Complexes
- Residential Garages and Shop Floors
- Kennels and Dog runs
- Truck/Trailer Bed Liner
- Farm Shop Floors
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