Employee Volunteer Program Makes Local Impact

Dauphin Co-op is a strong supporter of our communities. We value the time our Team Members devote to volunteering in the community and offer the Employee Volunteer Program where an employee may request that Dauphin Co-op matches the first $500 in pledges collected for a fundraising event or have a donation made on their behalf.
Every quarter, Team Members who volunteer are entered into a draw and one is chosen to donate $500 to a local charity or not-for-profit organization of their choice.
Of all the Team Members that volunteered in 2023, the following employees had $500 donated to the organizations of their choice.
Melinda Harris, Grocery Department, believes that no one should go hungry. The Coldest Night of the Year in Dauphin benefits The Dauphin Friendship Centre's Food for Thought Program. Melinda was the Captain of the Dauphin Co-op Crew and raised over $500 in pledges to maximize the program offering. "This program ensures no student goes hungry. You've got to feed the belly before you can feed the mind." said Melinda.
Ken Sawicki, Produce Department, volunteers for the Parkland Humane Society logging well over 1,000 volunteer hours a year! "Working at the Shelter has changed my life. The animals are always happy to see you. If you feel sad or depressed it's a great way to cheer you up." said Ken. We were very pleased to make a $500 donation to the Parkland Humane Society on Ken's behalf in Q1.
Terron Stykalo, Dauphin Agro Centre and volunteers with the Dauphin Agricultural Society. Terron and his family care deeply about the war in Ukraine and the effects its had on the people that call it home. We stand behind Ukraine and support the work of the Parkland Ukrainian Family Fund. "This program pulls at my heart strings as I have close family in Ukraine that have felt the effects of the ongoing war. I am proud of my Ukrainian heritage and proud of all the wonderful things this organization has done." said Terron. We were proud to make a donation on Terron's behalf to the Parkland Ukrainian Family Fund.
Cynthia, Grocery Department, volunteers for Lt. Col. Barker VC Air Cadets and Girl Guides. Upon finding out that her name was drawn for a $500 donation to an organization of her choice, she immediately chose the Parkland Ukrainian Family Fund. She speaks Ukrainian and always looks for opportunities to help these families. "I am Ukrainian and I can't even imagine living in a war-torn area and having to flee to another country, and needing to restart my life." said Cynthia. We were proud to support the Fund once again.
Joe Houston, Mountain Road Gas Bar, volunteers for several organizations in the Parkland. We were happy to make a donation on Joe's behalf to The Creative Common, a collaborative workspace which will provide a wide range of tools, resources and services to individuals interested in creating innovating and experimenting. "This organization was founded by myself and a board of community-minded individuals with a goal of making access to specialized tools and learning available to all people in our region. I strongly believe in this mission and the enrichment it will provide to our community." remarked Joe.
Volunteers are the backbone of our communities, dedicating their time to a wide range of causes and initiatives. From community projects to youth programs, sports teams to local organizations and venues, volunteers play a vital role in making our communities vibrant and thriving.
We are so grateful to each and everyone of our Co-op employees for the sacrifices they make to enrich the life of our communities through volunteerism. Cheers to these employee efforts in 2023!