Co-op Team Member Raises Over $1,600 for Relay for Life
Relay for Life is an event Dauphin Co-op, along with many of our Team Members, supports each year. Although it was held virtually — this year was no different.
"As a 32-year cancer survivor, Relay for Life has touched me deeply." said Melinda Harris, Grocery Manager.
Melinda began collecting pledges that Co-op matched and also began a Till Campaign to allow our Members and customers to make donations towards this worthy cause. A grand total of $1,643.50 was raised for Relay for Life!
Melinda added, "I can't thank the community enough for their generosity to Relay for Life. Without your support this would not have been possible."
Dauphin Co-op is proud to support Relay for Life as it funds groundbreaking research that will help more people live with and beyond cancer. It also helps shape policy to prevent cancer and help those coping with it. It provides a national support program so that no-one has to cope with this alone.
We would like to thank Melinda, our Team Members and the community for their strong support.